Thursday, 22 August 2013

Boyband Invasion

Two decades ago saw the rise of such bands as 'Westlife', 'Take That' and - the most unimaginative name for a boy band - 'Boyzone' were the major powers in sappy-teenage-girl-soul-draining-incubus'. these bands eventually disbanded near the end of the 90's through break ups, solo carers (that would eventually fail) and the odd scandal. Which was interesting because these bands for the most part were fairly safe, focusing on love songs and the like to worm their way into the very hearts of teenage girls.

Into the year 2000 saw the new slightly more edgy boy bands such as 'Busted' and 'Blue' (well Busted was fairly rock-y at least), these bands saw their own cult following, with the more or less same love songs from the previous decade. However those girls who swooned over 'take that' are now ten years older and have likely moved onto new music or more important aspects of their life, so a new batch of teenagers are their to swoon for their heartthrobs.

Just like the cycle of the boy band is likely to repeat itself: unknown, known, record deal, hit, heartthrobs, hit, miss, fall outs, break ups, solo careers, failed solo career, reunion, failure. A quick look at the history of Take that and blue is evidence of this enough each a decade apart but each had a similar ending. The cycle therefore must repeat itself for the teenagers who must grow up.

So now we are in the 10s (I guess that's what you'd call this decade, or more accurately Teens now) and there are 4 (well 5 sort of): One Direction, The Wanted, Union J(ack, screw off call it what it is stop trying to be hip), JLS (jack the lad swing wtf?, though they have split - watch that wheel turn again) and the latest surprisingly English boy band Overload, who are trying there damnedest to become something in an over saturated market.

Though I can't knock these lads too much as I'm using their hash tag for some cheap views ( ex ow, chaps, ex ow)

I didn't mind the previous decade of boy bands so much as despite their similarities in popular at the time hair cuts and getting more action then me - not that at 12 I'd be getting much - they sounded different there was no all powerful auto tune, which these new bands seem to all suffer from. I physically cannot tell the difference between the bands I mentioned in the last paragraph with maybe the exception of JLS for one very obvious reason.

These clones are the result of that appalling X factor show and the Mad King Syco creating the perfect teenage heartthrob, you have the cook-y one, the tough one, the honest looking one, the cheeky one etc... all cut and packaged for teenage girls to spend all their money as they gain new emotions. Namely a sex drive. I have no real issue with these bands besides having mishaps and accidents and pretending like it isnt staged but these girls of today with the internet are more at risk then the 90s girl.

The 90s girl could maybe follow a boy band if they lived near by, and by this i mean really follow them, but if they ived far away or were fans of americans the only chance of seeing one was through concerts and the occasional newspaper clipping. The teenagers of today are a whole different and worrying animal the internet allows them almost 24hr survalence of these bands and most do not understand quite how staged these people are.

More importantly however they don't understand that this is just the flavor of the moment. 8-10 years is the maximum amount of coverage these bands have before the teenage girls are no longer swooning and they themselves have gotten older and slightly more tired,beaten by the next youthful brown haired auto tuned face to boot them from their mantle.

From there the cycle shall repeat itself.
For the cycle will always repeat itself.

Monday, 22 July 2013

Ooo Endless Free Time

Well I have awoken from my slumber and returned to the world of writing my utter annoyance at the universe... that is until I get a real life grown up job ...

Until then, have some margin doodles ....

Thursday, 7 March 2013

WARNING! This Food Has Expired!

Well much like a whore's period I once again fucked up and I'm late (again) so it is time for a quick wire hanger plunge to the lower abdomen and make everything kosher. (don't question the origin of that metaphor)

In human history we have been gathering food, mass producing it and selling it to others for consumption for years now, there are large buildings full of said produce, each neatly packed and displayed for the consumer. Gone is the time of the hunter gatherering male - with spear and net, his only currency was a pointy stick and his cashier was the stream or woods where he took the meat from. So its safe to say that we as a species have developed, this being obvious that you are now reading this typed assemblance of pixels on an electronic device.

Meaning that technology has also increased, to the point that it is in everything now; there is one-way glass, windows that close when it rains, laptop computers, internet sites for the ramblings of humans... and yet, you'd think by now they would have better warnings on stuff. Granted there are sirens and alarms that warn people, but no direct ways of stopping someone. For example, say you are like myself hungry and the only source of food in the fridge is a prawn salad (fuck salad by the way)... now it was out of date (hence the title), but it was in the fridge and unopened, and the point of a fridge is to keep food from going off right? Nope.

So I got food poisoning. Which baffled me, and got me thinking - despite all the warnings  and technology - stupid, ignorant fools like me eat out of date food, get sick and look retarded. there are smart coffee cups that react to the heat and can make images appear and disappear, glass that frosts over at the push of a button, usually crap! but food which has a decent warning that tells you it is out of date. Nope. Nothing.

I want packaged food not with the the amount of fat, salt or calories in it (because screw you calorie counters), instead I want food that tells you that it has expired. preferably in big block capital letters, over where any previous message was - this goes for milk too and any other food you have to smell whether of not it is off or not. The messages would read as:

 After a day out of date "I wouldn't recommend it" would appear.
2nd day "No Really, You'd Be Pushing it"

Warning messages like this might give us hungry fellows pause for thought, before we then grab that side of beer to wash it all down with.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

I'm Allergic To Excerise

As seen in a previous post -
 You can see that I'm not the best when it comes to working out or going to the gym, with most of my attempts ending in being side tracked or wimping out - Being a quitter after all is a proud part of my nature.

However, I have discovered a piece of exercising equipment that is as lazy as I am. This of course is, the Dumbbell. Upon one of my more social occasions at a friends house I grew increasingly attached to his set of dumbbells. Now I like dumb bells, in my mind dumb bells are the laziest of all work out equipment, it only requires lifting your arm up and down repeatedly - and being a male I've had plenty of practice in that action.

I pictured myself, sitting in a chair, listening to a pod-cast, lifting a dumbbell in the background, when one arm got tired I'd switch and carry on listening. I wouldn't get as bored as jogging and it would be more effective then doing press ups... a few months past and I never did a thing. but on valentines day I went out and bought myself a set of dumbbells - no there is nothing sadder. the problem is that I miss judged how much 15kgs weighs (baby weight) and the 40 minute walk home was tiresome.

Feeling proud (yet tired) I constructed the weights into more manageable chunks and set to work. several "reps" later the difference was noticeable - and with a half term coming up I intended to catch up on some lost manly times... I would have had I not spent the last 2 weeks being severally Ill. Eating nothing different from the rest of my family and keeping away from the diseased people, the only explanation was all the exercise I did on the Monday.

14 days of illness for a now diminished return, so much so I  believe that I am weaker than I was before I started, what is this irony! Although this doesn't necessarily make me a target Mr. Mugger as I still carry a knife and Cracker I will cut you up. Hashtag: RelTalk. NoJK

My body clearly had a repulsive reaction to working out though, which is both depressing and annoying. So much so that I bitched and moaned about it on the internet.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Valentine's People

So I had planned to write a long post about my previous attempts love, especially seeing as what date it is (The 14th February), but it  was getting too long to type out and would be better received in  video post - mostly because sarcasm comes across better in verbal form and I'd like my legs intact.

This was annoying as it might mean that I missed another week - Oh noes - thankfully you arseholes have given me something to type about. This being talking about the peoples opinions of Valentine's day itself, especially in social media.

It might have come to your attention couple people that there are a lot of singles on the internet (yes, shockingly I am one of these single-tons, despite having a pussy in my lap at typing) and a lot of these single people are coming up with witty comments or moaning about being single, and hating couples. blah, blah.

I'm all for expressing ones distaste for seeing merry happy people being together whilst you suffer alone and cold with no one to hug and cuddle ... Sorry I was getting away with myself there. The point is this isn't very healthy, I saw the argument posed on one persons status that "the amount of time they used to construct that status. hating on happy people could have been used to stop being so miserable".

So there are two types of people it would now seem in the would: those that moan about V-day, and those that moan about people moaning about V-day - so just for the sake of being different I'm moaning about the whole bloody lot of them (Or...deep breathe... I'm moaning about the moaners that are moaning about people who moan about V-day.)

Everyone therefore is retarded. if you are single: stay in, have a drink, write a internet blog, read a book, go to a club meet a nice member of the opposite gender or watch porn. If your a couple go out, have a laugh, be together, get the fuck of social media though and spend time together. Or just have sex, because we all know that is the Jiz-st of V-day.

Or watch porn... Together.
Happy Valentine's Day

Thursday, 7 February 2013

The Curtain Adventure of DIY Man

- I didn't do a post last Monday because I got food poisoning from a prawn salad another reason why salad can screw off. now that, that's out the way... (Edit... and then grew lazy so these will now be done on either Mondays or Thursdays - screw consistency) -

The other day, I was complaining (as par the norm) that as my room faces the rising sun, I get blinded and woken early each morning by the sun light penetrating my shitty curtains and sleep. Then after a few hours later a thicker curtain was dumped on my bed with the instructions of how to construct it left to me. Being the manly man that I am, I am of course skilled enough to remove the old curtain and put up the new one up all by myself, right?

And so begins the Adventures of DIY Man!

"This will be a simple job" thought DIY as he swaggered towards the task before him.

It would have been, had the centre bracket not been loose - so when I/he put the curtain up, the bracket was yanked from the wall and curtain rail fell off atop me I mean him...

"Well. Okay, that's a minor set back, but it could be worse" Mused DIY Man

These were half hearted words as in his haste to get the job done, DIY Man lacked his proper tools, besides one multi-tool. (below) but then again this was DIY Man, a simple set back like that wouldn't set him back right?
Multi-tool of Justice
Now DIY Man had to re-fix the bracket back to the wall, by removing the old Raw plug (items which spent the entirety of my childhood using as missiles), then he had to drill a deeper hole so that the new plug and screw would bite into the brick the curtains would be up. Raw plugs however turned out to be his kryptonite  as these plugs are meant to stay in the walls and lacking the proper tools DIY Man had to use all his manly strength and wrench multi-tool (above) to wrench it free. Ba-dum-tsh.
Raw plug / missile 

The smoke slowly cleared around the mighty DIY Man, in his hand was the dastardly raw plug, it was a grand success! Attached to that raw plug was brick work though, and wall paper... But that's fine as I R DIY man! And with his DIY, Manly powers everything was eventually fixed and he rested.

For we do not know what Manly DIY adventures he shall partake in next? So rejoice citizens as for every screw that needs pulling and hammer that needs hammering. DIY Man shall be there, With his multi-tool of justice!

Thursday, 10 January 2013

I No speak well In ... Japanese - Video post

Video of me try to speak Japanese from the phrase book, Be gentle ....
I apologise for the terrible quality but, YOLO right?

What I said in Japanese ... or tried to ...

kon-ni-chi-wa mi-n-na,
Watashi no namae wa Ko-na des,
Igirisu kara des.

K-yoo ga hosh-iin des ga hana-shi-masu ni-hongo
Hana-su ni-hongo Kon-nan-dearu)... watashi ni
Watashi wa shin-u tsum-orida


Kindly offer feed back - and share in the special child's failings.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

The Gym Journey!!!!

So as part of my New Year’s resolution I decided in a slightly drunken and retarded voice: “I want to be fitter”. So today I returned to college where there it takes eight flights of stairs to get to my class, and much like everyone else during the December break I spent the entirety of my time; eating cake, chocolate, meat and drinking alcohol. So these stairs pretty much killed me and with the thoughts of change on the brain and the impending desire to get fitter, I decided as a spur of the moment thing to head to the gym after I finished for the day.

Now I'm not a very fit person anyway, and don’t think just because I'm skinny this means that I am actually fit. I'm far from fit as the climbing a flight of stairs often kills me and that I do no sports other then when I was forced to in PE.

So begins the titled: Gym Journey of awesomeness!! (And tiredness)

Having gotten home later then I intended a fast dinner consisting of a slightly burnt mini-pizza quick change into what I considered to be “Exercise gear” – which to the untrained is; a crappy England polo, old and beaten to crap shoes, and ill fitting synthetic tracksuit trousers. Then I set upon my journey binding fair well and setting off to the closest gym I knew of. Fitness First.

According to the Googles, the closest Fitness First is a mile away (or 22 minutes) a short enough walk to get my gym juices flowing. I arrived shortly after 6 at the front doors to Fitness first, bag filled of what I thought I’d need such as water and a spare jumper as it was sodding cold. Then, a few steps from the door I saw three fat women leaving and also two other women entering, deciding that Fitness first was clearly solely for women I decided to walk away.

To head home you say? Hell no... I of course headed to the next gym that I knew of in my town which was in a leisure centre called river mead, on the hearing a snippet of a conversation from someone that said they had good exercise equipment there. Plus these were men who said this so my slightly frozen brain worked out that this was the place for me! A quick Google on my phone showed it was a mere 2miles away! That’s a walk into town I thought, I've done that before, it only took 45 minutes, and I've still got time.

6.53: Dodged being offered sex, three hobos, a drunk wanting a fight and someone wanting to borrow my phone, I was sweaty, tired and cold, but I’d made it. Made it to the glittering lights of river mead, the gym was but a few feet from me.

Annnd then. Two very attractive young women were leaving after a vigorous exercise session, and instead of like a normal person saying hello and then heading in, I decided to try and chat them up, as clearly in my sweaty/gym gear state I was one of them and had something to say... I got as far as learning their names (Sarah and Claire) before they realised I had no idea what gym equipment was inside. I then retreated inside to refill my water bottle and watched them drive away in a car I possibly could have gotten a lift home or quickie in.

I then walked the 3 miles (53 minutes) home. 

At the end of my gym Journey I walked 6.2 miles in just under 2 hours and visited two gyms, which I will now never go to again. (Below is 'ROUGHLY' from my house to River mead, walking back sucked)