Any one who follows me on Twitter - @Drake_Best, Yes all 20 of you...(hint, hint) Will know I got accosted by a Chaplin the other day, if you didn't I'll boil the story down quickly:
Whilst sitting in the canteen of my collage watching the local retards sing and dance their way past trying A. To keep a straight face and B. thinking that there is more then likely a better use of my time. I was not sitting alone but the person I was with was on the phone, still pondering what on earth I was still doing there a women makes a b-line towards me. thinking she was about to make a comment about not wearing my lanyard I prepared where I was going to tell her to stick It up her arse.
I couldn't have been more wrong though, she was the Chaplin of this college apparently and was just walking around, she then started up a conversation with me as I was "looking shattered and bored", despite a number of efforts to get rid of her she would not go and opened up a conversation on religion and preachers - As I said in my last blog about gays I don't care what people believe so long as they don't shove it down my throat. this pain in the arse women would not leave me alone, after telling her my name was Drake (because I couldn't think of any other name) she asks if it was after Sir Francis Drake - in hindsight I should have gone the whole Satan route maybe said my name was Adolf and that I hate the Jews too, but I digress. This women must have been there 30minutes yakking at me and I couldn't get rid of her even trying to get up and leave she wouldn't let me go "oh you must come see me and have another chat". Trololololol lady, not a chance.
Don't get me wrong I don't hate religion or people who have faith, one of my closest friends is heavily religious - which may sound like a cop out, but fuck you its not - My issue arises when Preachers on the street inform you that "THAT YOU ARE GOING TO HELL!" to near everyone that walks past or anyone who wants to have an argument about it, Peas and rice! I'd gladly go to hell if i didn't have to put up with you in my heaven. Why should I go to hell? I'm a nice enough person, sure I've had the odd vice and clearly watched way too much porn but does that condemn me to the very depths of hell? If it does then its going to be a pretty crowded day in hell on Judgement day.
When I say shoved down my throat I mean when religion is being forced upon people, such as when they attack others who they do not even know out of the blue, it annoys me more when religious people do it because of how a person dresses, I don't mock them on the funny hat they are wearing so why should they get angry because of the skull on my chest - god damn I like the shirt I'm wearing I'm not trying to make a statement with it, hell at the moment I am wearing a space invaders shirt but its not like I'm saying "I want space aliens to attack" so a person with a skull on their chest doesn't mean they wish death upon others, but clearly to them it does. Christianity isn't the worst faith when it comes to this though, thankfully there are more level headed Christians in the world because as times have gone on they have had to put up with pop culture, but with more traditional faiths such as Orthodox Jews and Orthodox Muslim's who hold any one with disdain who do not cover up, I would say get with the times but admittedly some clothing people where today's is only a few fibres shy of being fully nude.
So when those trumpets sound and the angels come to collect the righteous I'd imagine pickings would be rather slime around the planet. do these preachers expect to get into the 'kingdom of heaven' damning all those around them to the fiery pits with pompous language and phrases they pulled from the bible. I'll be honest as a book the bible is rather boring, the plots all over the place and in the end SPOILER ALERT the main character dies with nothing really resolved, the world keeps spinning and the Romans keep pillaging the Jews. Along with this it suffers from the unfortunate symptom of 'sequel syndrome', where the sequel is never as good as its predecessor. people should not hold themselves so highly that they think they are in the right and that everyone should think that way, I'm not, have your opinions if you will, your stupid for doing so but I'm not going to burn you for it.
In the end, they are books, and books are meant to be read, as much as I like audio books I don't want to have someone shouting passages at me on the street! It would be like spoiling the ending to a great classic. Next time I think then I'll shout passages from 50 shades of grey back at them!
Friday, 19 October 2012
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
I'M HERE AND QUEER - But don't YOU bring it up
I do not have an issue with homosexual people, however this is limited to the same respect that I don't have an issue with politics or religion (within reason the occasional genocide aside most are quiet nice). as i said this is limited though to something that can be boiled down to the following: "you can believe whatever you want, so long as you don't try and shove it down my throat", homosexuality much like religion - if you see religion as mostly catholic priests - the phrase 'shove down my throat' may cause a chuckle, but I call attention to it here to take away the humour from it. Gobble cock . Giggity
I have zero issue with homosexual people what's so ever. I keep repeating this so I don't get stabbed to death but also, using the word ' H O M O S E X U A L ' after referring to a lesbian as gay, they got rather shirt-y with me. stopping me every time I refereed to them as gay and corrected me hand out as "I'm a lesbian actually" or just mouthing 'lesbian' to the person I was speaking to. I GET IT. You have chosen upon a preferred sexual orientation, congrats, not to be big headed or anything but I was asserted with my sexuality for awhile now, but you don't see me having a parade about how straight I am.
It perplexed me and upon asking them later why they decided to correct me each time I got: "It is because I am a Lesbian and not gay". What? Apparently due to the increasing use of the word gay some homosexual people dislike being refereed to as gay. e.g. God that lesson was gay, gay of cause replacing: God that lesson was a fucking pain in the arse I wish I could brain the teacher. Therefore gay/lesbian people are refereed to in my mind as - Homosexual, as despite it being an extra few pain in the arse syllables to pronounce at least makes people happy. Seeing as I dislike censoring myself for other people, I like to think that I'm using it to be more accurate, Homo meaning 'same as' and Hetero meaning 'other than' and sexual meaning... Well I'm not a nuclear physicist but I'm pretty sure that means something to do with boning.
Tying these neat little strands together and making this rant worthy it pisses me off to equal degree of parents having pictures of their kids in your face, I hate people who define themselves as parents now and expect you to be amazed at the fact they managed to procreate the same way I hate homosexual people who define themselves by their sexuality. Granted parents have a better reason to say "I'm Mrs Blank and my son X Y Z'ed, I R a parent" but its still a pain in the arse, as if they expect you to hold them to a higher degree because they are parents and by extension trust worthy? You can have a offspring, hell 50 but that doesn't mean I'm going to trust you with anything having a kid doesn't make you instantly a saint, social services does exist for a reason. This is comparable to homosexual people who define themselves as gay, but disallow you from calling them gay (see what I did there with the title).
A great deal of homosexual people are obviously gay to the degree of being able to spot this down the street with ridicules stereotypical body language and speech patterns -I remember a news article about a burglar who was recognised due to his 'camp' method of walking! Therefore their is no need to define yourself as gay in conversation... Okay granted there are some that do not stick to stereotypes (in this term I mean the obviously gay stereotype not smoking hot gay stereotype) But they get even more angry then the less attractive stereotypes I'm sorry your an attractive person who just so happens to be gay, I think if a strange started flirting with me I'd find it a compliment, not fly off the handle bars axe in hand. I don't introduce myself as a white, middle class, straight man I'd like to think you can surmise this from me and my posh boy accent, life isn't a book needing each character dictated to the person in front of you.
But I digress... I could go further in saying that some homosexual people think they will be better parents then parents in a heterosexual relationship, but that is prejudice of its own accord. What makes you think you will be better parents or can give more love then a person in a heterosexual relationship. Don't bring statistics into this either ass hole (Donkey anus) much like the saying women are worse drivers then men, women are only worse drivers as there are more of them on the road, meaning likelihood of accidents increase, the number of homosexual parents to heterosexual parents is so low it is no wonder they are better parents as there is less of them to pad/mess up the percentage. This is a good thing, if the statistic ever switched in terms of numbers at least - meaning the number of heterosexual parentage is dwarfed by homosexual parentage - the world may not last for long, or you better damn well hope scientific technology leaps some more.
Long story short this is another example of hypocrisy gay people demand rights whilst damning those that don't want to help them or just don't care- as degenerates or homophobic, I'm not homophobic, I just couldn't give a damn who you bugger, so long as its not me.
not prejudice,
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